It's Winter BBQ Season! What's Grilling?

Eric Campbell

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Eric Campbell next to the BBQ

Eric has known Michael and Jannah (The former owners of since their days (and nights) at the University of Saskatchewan. Over the past several years, Eric has been dedicating his spare time to learning about and grilling different types of meat on his Kamado grill, the Primo XL. After a class with BBQ Champion Rob Reinhardt, Eric has evolved from a BBQ hobbyist to an enthusiast. This elementary school principal spends his summers trying new recipes and grilling styles to perfect his weekly ‘Meat Sunday’ pictures for his friends.

Eric is most proud of the many experimental chicken recipes that he has finally perfected for the complex palettes of his wife and two kids. The trick to finding a sweet, but not too spicy, not too tangy, and a little bit charred chicken is all about patience and presentation. Stay tuned for more Kamado grilling tips and reviews from Eric.