The traditional Texas brisket rub; as stated in our how to smoke a brisket article is very simple; 50% salt and 50% pepper. Many pitmasters swear by this simple and classic rub. However, amongst our travels we have noticed that many brisket pros are experimenting with adding a few more ingredients to the rub. We do enjoy the 50/50 salt and pepper tried, tested, and true recipe; however, we also like to mix it up a bit and play around with different flavors.
The Seasonings
A well executed brisket rub brings out the flavors of the brisket without overpowering them. This rub when liberally coated over the brisket does just that. It is simple and quick while only using a couple different seasonings found in most pantries. Of course, we stick with the salt and pepper base. Adding to the base, we use garlic powder, onion powder, and chipotle. These flavors work very well together and slightly add some warmth to the pepper base.
As stated above, the most important ingredients remain the salt and pepper base. You need coarse grind for both; not the finely ground stuff found in your typical salt and pepper shakers. Look for a coarse ground or restaurant grind black pepper and a coarse kosher salt. The coarse granules are what help to form the bark on the brisket; and you don’t want to miss out on that!
Basic Ingredients
- 50% salt
- 30% pepper
- 20% garlic powder, onion powder, & chipotle powder

Brisket Recipe
This rub works perfectly with out step by step how to smoke a brisket recipe.
Angry BBQ Brisket Rub Recipe
- 175 grams coarse kosher salt
- 105 grams coarse black pepper
- 30 grams onion powder
- 30 grams garlic powder
- 10 grams chipotle powder
Mix well together. Pour into a plastic or glass air-tight container. We recommend you use this spice up within 4-6 weeks. It will last longer but the spices will lose their potency. It will also keep better in a glass container. We also have a Kansas City Rub Recipe to consider that is quite popular. This brisket rub could work well with smoked prime rib as well, or you could also try our prime rib rub on brisket.

Angry BBQ Brisket Rub
- Empty Spice Shaker
- 175 grams Coarse Salt
- 105 grams Coarse Black Pepper
- 30 grams Onion Powder
- 30 grams Garlic Powder
- 10 grams Chipotle Powder
- Mix all spices together.
- Place in an airtight spice container. Store; ready to use for your next brisket!