It's Winter BBQ Season! What's Grilling?

Fire Up Your BBQ, Not Your Temper

We’re here with BBQ recipes, how-to articles, and grill reviews to help aspiring barbecue pitmasters, just like you, elevate your grilling and smoking game while keeping you cool, calm, and collected.

How Long Does it Take to Smoke Ribs?

Baby back ribs will typically take 5 to 6 hours of total cooking time at 225 degrees F. It depends on how you like your ribs.
3-2-1 ribs are a great way to get started with smoking baby back ribs. It’s basically 3 hours uncovered, 2 hours wrapped in foil, and 1 hour uncovered again. If you want more bite to your ribs, try the 2-2-1 ribs recipe.

BBQ Recipe - Smoked 3-2-1 Ribs
How much meat per person calculator

How Much Meat Per Person Do You Need?

Use our meat calculators to figure out exactly how much meat you should buy for your next BBQ get-together.

Brisket Calculator Pulled Pork Calculator Turkey Calculator Rib Calculator


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