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How Long To Smoke A Brisket?

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As a standard rule of thumb, it will take roughly one to two hours per pound of brisket. So if you trim your brisket down so you’re smoking a 10-pound brisket, it can take between 10 and 20 hours to smoke. That is a large range of time per pound. Find out why below.

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By Jeremy Pike


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How Long To Smoke Brisket

So you’ve been enjoying smoked brisket at your favorite BBQ joint or friends place and you want to smoke one yourself. The most common brisket question among new BBQ’ers is, “How long should I smoke a brisket?” As a standard rule of thumb, it will take roughly one to two hours per pound of brisket. So if you trim your brisket down so you’re smoking a 10-pound brisket, it can take between 10 and 20 hours to smoke. That is a large range of time per pound. Why is that?

There are a number of factors that determine how long it takes to smoke a brisket. Different smokers can handle the smoking process differently. Not all briskets are the same. Different pitmasters smoke at 225°F, some smoke at 250°F, and others smoke at higher temperatures. All those different temperatures mean a variety of brisket smoking times.

Let’s get into how long you should smoke a brisket, the different temperatures, and why there’s a range rather than a specific length of time!

Why Is There A Range For Brisket Smoke Time?

We all want to know specifics of how long something is going to take when it comes to any type of cooking. So why did I give you a range of time for smoking brisket? As I hinted at above, there are a number of variables when it comes to smoking brisket. It depends on what smoker you use, how hot you run your smoker, the brisket itself, and what temperature you’re aiming for.

Why Does It Take So Long To Smoke A Brisket?

Brisket is best when smoked low-and-slow, so don’t expect a quick process unless you are smoking a small brisket. Smoking brisket for a long period of time at a low temperature is what allows all the connective tissue in the brisket to break down. The process for breaking down the collagen and tissue doesn’t finish up (at least as much as it will) until sometime around the 200°F internal mark. You’ll want to use a meat thermometer like the ThermoWorks Signals or Smoke X4 to keep an eye on the brisket’s internal temperature. Make sure you insert the probe into the thickest part of the brisket to get the most accurate temp.

Camp Chef SG24 with Brisket
Brisket in Camp Chef SG24. Just starting the cook.

If your brisket reaches that 200°F internal temp too quickly, it can dry the meat out or ruin the exterior of the brisket. You want a crispy, peppery bark, not one that closely resembles charcoal. That’s the risk you run if you cook your brisket too quickly at too high of a temperature. If you want to achieve that tender, juicy sliced brisket that is one of the most beloved cuts of barbecue anywhere, you’re going to need to be patient and set aside a lot of time. Read our article on “what is brisket” to better understand this challenging meat.

Different Smokers

How does the smoker itself affect how long to smoke brisket? Some smokers like pellet grills or electric smokers self-regulate the temperature, giving you a higher degree of control. Other types of smokers (like offsets or charcoal) may have more fluctuations which can possibly lead to a longer smoking time. Some of these smokers like the Weber Smokey Mountain even use water pans to help regulate the control and catch drippings.

Different Smoking Temperature

Yoder Smoked Brisket
Yoder Smoker at 265F

When you look into smoking a brisket, you might find various recommendations for what temperature your smoker should be set at. Here at Angry BBQ, when Michael Haas smokes his brisket Texas-style, he starts his smoker at 250°F. 

So why do we find different temperatures for smoking a brisket? Briskets can take a long time to smoke, so a higher temperature can shorten the cooking time. However, the prevailing wisdom is that lower temperatures generate more smoke flavor, so there can be a trade-off between speeding up the cooking process and getting more smoke flavor on the brisket. If you’re short on time, you cook a little hotter. It’s not fun to finish your brisket at 10pm.

Different Briskets

When it comes to smoking briskets, you can help make the smoking time more consistent by purchasing similar-sized briskets and trimming them the same way. However, for most people who are smoking for their family and sometimes friends, purchasing briskets that are the same size can be a bit much.

Also, you might go to the grocery store and find that your local grocer only has the point of the brisket versus a whole packer brisket. Smoking the point of a brisket versus a full packer brisket are going to be two different brisket cooks. That’s why you’re going to want to pay attention to the internal temperature.

Now, the range is based on how many pounds a brisket weighs to help navigate around that. So whether you’re smoking a 10-lb brisket or an 18-lb brisket, you can use the same formula. However, a thicker brisket may take longer than a bit thinner brisket that weighs the same. There can also be differences in the amount of marbling of the brisket that can affect the cooking time as well.

Save some time and money and try these brisket substitutes sometime.

When Determining The Brisket Smoking Time, Don’t Forget To Hold

When you are determining when you have to start smoking a brisket and calculating the approximate total time for smoking, don’t forget to account for holding the brisket in a container after removing it from the smoker. For a full breakdown on resting or holding meat after cooking, check out Jannah Haas’ explanation here

For a quick refresher, pitmasters “hold” the meat for a length of time for two reasons. One is to account for carryover cooking that occurs after removing the meat from the grill or smoker. The holding process also allows pitmasters to keep the meat, in this case brisket, warm for serving without having to reheat it or worrying about it dropping into a trouble temperature zone for bacteria, which is under 135F.

The second reason is to let the protein fibers that make up the muscles of the brisket relax a bit after the cooking process to reabsorb some of the moisture (also known as juices) that is separated from the meat.

Accounting for holding during your calculations for the brisket smoking time helps you be more accurate when deciding when to start smoking the brisket. It also helps you account for that carry over so you don’t overcook your meat or serve it too quickly. 

I prefer to have my brisket done well before dinner time, because I know I can hold/rest it in a cooler for 3-4 hours. One way to help rest your brisket is by wrapping it (while still in aluminum foil or butcher paper) in a towel before placing it in the cooler.

How Long To Smoke A Brisket At 225°F?

225°F is one of the most common temperatures you’ll hear when it comes to low-and-slow barbecue, and it will take between an hour and a half to two hours per pound. Smoking your brisket at this low temperature will allow all that smoke plenty of time to wrap around the brisket, helping form that beautiful peppery bark and giving you plenty of wood smoke flavor. It will also be low and slow enough to help break down all that connective tissue throughout the brisket.

Just don’t expect to have that beautifully smoked brisket sitting on your cutting board quickly if you choose 225°F. It will take time to achieve that iconic slice of meat, especially if you’re smoking a large brisket. 

Cut Smoked Brisket

How Long To Smoke A Brisket At 250°F?

Making your smoker a little bit hotter can help with your brisket smoking time. Smoking a brisket at 250°F will take around an hour and a half. The extra bit of heat can make a difference over the length of smoking a brisket without really sacrificing much at all in the way of smoke flavor. 

How Can I Shorten My Brisket Smoking Time?

If you’ve looked at the range of brisket smoking times and thought to yourself that’s too much time, there are some ways around it. You can look at cutting back time by choosing smaller briskets, but if you’re looking to feed a large group of people or want to put leftovers to great use (check out our roundup of great brisket leftover recipes!) that’s not a viable option. So how can you shorten that smoking time for brisket?

1. Wrap During The Stall

Wrapped Brisket on Smoker
Wrapped Brisket aka Texas Crutch

When you are smoking a brisket, you’ll encounter the panic-inducing stall somewhere around 160°F. Once you’ve smoked a lot of briskets, you’ll be familiar with it. However,  if you’re smoking a brisket for the first time and monitoring the temperature, you’ll see the internal temperature stop rising and stay steady for a long time. 

You can simply let your brisket ride out the stall or even increase the temperature of your smoker, but both options will take time. The way to get through the stall the quickest way is by wrapping the brisket tightly with either food-grade pink butcher paper or aluminum foil.

The stall occurs when the moisture cooking out of the brisket is evaporating enough to cool the brisket at the same rate the smoker is heating it. The brisket smoking time draws out while waiting for enough moisture to evaporate to resume cooking.

Brisket Stall Temps on Graph
Two vertical red lines display the stall on this brisket cook. 160F-180F.

Wrapping the brisket prevents that moisture from evaporating, thereby preventing a lengthy stall. You want to wait until the bark sets up before wrapping the brisket (usually 4-6 hours). Trapping that moisture, especially with aluminum foil, can soften the bark. 

The trade-off to the extra moisture is a significant reduction of time versus letting the brisket ride out the stall. Read our full guide on when and how to wrap a brisket.

2. Smoking Hot And Fast Brisket

You may have heard about smoking a brisket hot and fast. This allows you to cook a brisket in under an hour per pound while still getting tender brisket. Typically smoking a brisket hot and fast is done with the smoker between 275°F and 300°F. 

Smoking a brisket hot and fast produces a different flavor than smoking it low and slow. You do not have quite the same level of smoke flavor, with some people saying it tastes a bit more like roast beef or even a steak than a traditional low-and-slow brisket.

However, the brisket smoking time is drastically reduced, and the end product is still tasty and tender.

Wrapping It Up

Typically when smoking a brisket, it will take between one to two hours per pound. You will see variations depending on the size and how marbled the brisket is as well as the temperature you’re smoking at. However, this gives you a good baseline to start with.

The most important part of smoking a brisket is monitoring the temperature, not how long it smokes. You need the brisket’s connective tissue to render as much as possible to turn the brisket from a tough, chewy piece of meat to that tender piece of barbecue royalty.

Plan to get the brisket fully cooked several hours before the planned dinner time. Holding or resting the brisket for a couple of hours is totally fine and actually makes a more juicy brisket.

Also, make sure you account for prep time. That can include trimming the thick layer of fat down if you’re smoking a full packer brisket, seasoning it, and injecting it if you so choose to. For more information on injecting brisket including recipes (most of them using beef broth as a base,) check out our favorite brisket injection recipes. Just be aware that if you’re injecting your brisket, you need to let it rest for around an hour before putting it on the smoker.

What’s your experience for how long to smoke a brisket? Do you have a preferred temperature for your smoker? Let us know in the comments!


Question: Should I Smoke My Brisket Fat Side Up Or Down?

Answer: Just like the smoking time can vary depending on your type of smoker, whether you smoke your brisket with the fat cap up or down depends on your smoker as well. If your smoker tends to be hotter towards the lid, you want the fat side up to protect the meat from burning. If you find that your smoker is typically hotter below the cooking rack, you want the fat cap down. For a full explanation, check out our guide to smoking brisket fat side up or down.

Question: What’s The Best Wood For Smoking Brisket?

Answer: If you’re looking to smoke Texas-style brisket seasoned with simple ingredients, a coarse salt like kosher salt and coarse black pepper, you’ll want to use oak wood. However, if you’re looking for a more West Texas flavor, you’ll want to use mesquite wood. When you’re making smoked beef brisket, you can use wood logs in an offset smoker, wood chips in an electric or gas smoker, wood pellets in a pellet smoker, or even wood chunks on a charcoal grill set up for indirect cooking. We aren’t the biggest fan of using fruitwoods like cherry or apple when it comes to our smoked brisket recipe, but you can feel free to experiment to see what works best for you. Check out our article on the best wood for smoking brisket to get more information.

Question: What’s The Best Recipe For Smoked Brisket?

Answer: Here at Angry BBQ, we’re big fans of Texas-style brisket. We’ve got a whole recipe with step-by-step instructions that can walk you through how to make this staple of BBQ cuisine. If you’re looking to perhaps jazz up your brisket and take it in a different direction with ingredients like paprika, brown sugar, and onion and garlic powder, check out our Kansas City-style brisket rub.

Question: Should I Put Barbecue Sauce On My Brisket?

Answer: If you’re smoking your brisket Texas-style, absolutely not. It should be enjoyed in all of its beefy, smoky, salty, and peppery goodness. However, there are versions of brisket where BBQ sauce is welcome. Some people like shredded brisket with sauce. If you use our Kansas City-style rub, you might also pair it with some barbecue sauce. Also, you cannot forget brisket burnt ends. That requires sauce. However, as I said before, if you’re going for traditional, king-of-BBQ brisket, no sauce should be touching the brisket.

Question: Should I Let My Brisket Come Up To Room Temperature Before Putting It On The Smoker?

Answer: You might have seen some advice on the internet about letting your brisket sit out at room temperature for at least an hour before putting it on the smoker. However, you do not want to let the meat sit out that long because it could enter the “danger zone” of 40-140°F per the United States Department of Agriculture where your brisket becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. Plus, smoke will be more attracted to cold meat with moisture on it, say from apple juice in a spritzer bottle, than warmer meat.

Questions: What Is The Best Temperature To Smoke A Brisket At?

Answer: Want to see some pitmasters argue? Ask this question. You’ll get answers ranging from 225°F to even 300°F for a hot-and-fast brisket. Michael here smokes his brisket at 250°F which seems to be a sweet spot for most people. The combination of smoke and heat gives you the best blend of flavor and time. However, you do want to be aware of your smoker’s preferences. Some smokers like to run at 275°F and you’ll get a good brisket from that. So don’t break in a new smoker with a brisket. Know how your smoker behaves and at what temperature you get the flavor you’re looking for before throwing a brisket on.

Question: Can You Overcook A Brisket At 225°F?

Answer: You can overcook a brisket with your smoker set to any temperature. It’s easier to overcook when smoking at a higher temperature, sure, but we don’t want our brisket to reach an internal temperature of 225°F, so you absolutely can overcook a brisket at that temperature. It’ll just take a while. Don’t crack open too many cold ones or sleep through your alarms if you’re smoking overnight and you should be fine.

Question: How Long Do You Smoke Brisket Before Wrapping?

Answer: To be quite honest, this question is harder to answer than how long does it take to smoke a brisket. You have all the same ideas at play, but then you factor in two variables. The first is the stall. The stall can occur anywhere between 150° and 180°F, so it’s hard to predict how long it will take to get there. You also want to make sure you’re happy with how the bark looks before you wrap. If it isn’t fully developed to where you want it to be, it won’t develop further after wrapping. In fact, especially if you’re wrapping with aluminum foil, the trapped moisture can soften the bark a bit. So you want to hold off on wrapping until the brisket stalls and the bark is good. You can choose to not wrap and simply wait for the stall to end, but you do need to be careful about drying out the brisket, especially the surface.If you’ve got more questions or want more info, check out our article on when to wrap brisket.

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